Sell DOVO Products

Become part of the success story!

Contact for new customers

Florian Klemmer

Tel.: +49 (0) 212 / 685 999 13

Email.: f.klemmer@dovo.com

Our office hours are:

Mo - Fr 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Böcklinstr. 10

42719 Solingen



B2B portal - catalogs, product images and product information

We are happy to provide you with our product catalogs, product data and product images, which you can also find on our online shop. Talk to us about it so that we can give you the password for the protected B2B area.

To B2B Area

Sell DOVO products online

You run an Online Shop and want to sell our products? Contact us! Depending on the Engagement we have the ability to furnish you with product-databases in the format of your store, including product images, attributes, and description texts. A link on our list of Partner Online Shops is also possible.